Tuesday, February 15, 2005


There Are Still A Few Cold Days To Come

In Boston today it is sunny and 50 some odd degrees but its still February and I am sure we will have some chilly days ahead of us.

How to stay warm:

If its one of those brutally cold days where if you inhale deeply through your nose you can feel your boogers freeze you are going to want to take a necessary steps to keep warm. The first thing you can do is to revel in how cool it is that you can make your boogers freeze. This should provide a decent distraction from the cold. However, if you have to be outdoors for a long duration you will need to take additional steps. Hopefully we are all smart enough to dress properly, but there will always be exposed skin, usually our faces. In order to keep our faces warm I suggest loud singing. By singing loudly you will be moving your face around increasing blood flow which will lead to keeping your face warm. In addition, if you are walking down the street singing loudly you will draw a certain amount of attention which you may find embarrassment. Embarrassment can also lead to a sudden rush of blood to ones head and at the very least can provide another distraction from the cold.

Another common issue with the cold is within one's own residence. As the cost of heat takes a toll on the old back pocket stuffer we tend to avoid turning on the heat. Or we may have some other home heating problem. The solution is simple. Poor yourself several glasses of your favorite alcoholic beverage turn on some of your favorite upbeat music and throw yourself a personal dance party.

Finally on a most important keeping warm note, pitchers and catchers reported to spring training today. It’s warm where they are...

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