Wednesday, March 09, 2005


So Long To Dan The Man Rather

Tonight is Dan Rather's last broadcast as anchor of the CBS evening news. Many feel that he is stepping aside because of his faulty reporting about President Bush’s National Guard service. This may be the case or at least this incident is the icing on the cake, however having had my own experience with the CBS evening news, I know first hand that they have been a bunch of hacks for years. I was once quoted out of context telling however million people watched the program in 1995 that I felt like a girl. Don’t get me wrong, I feign embarrassment that should be real but all it takes is a beer or a girl to look in my general direction for me to play the tape of my embarrassing display… but that’s beside the point. The point is Dan Rather is an old man. What old man isn’t a bit of a putz? Don’t blame him for faulty reporting. Blame CBS.

Here’s to you Dan.

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