In a recent post I mentioned that there was a higher power that prevented people not unlike myself from getting into horrific accidents due to staring at hot girls between the ages of 18 and 28 who come out of the woodwork in Boston. I have since been reminded of an incident about 5 years ago when I was riding my bike through Harvard and I witnessed one of the most awe striking and intimidating sights of my life. A ridiculously hot Harvard chic. The combination of this girl's hottiness and being way smarter than me somehow caused my bike to go strait into a fence while I was gawking at her. I still have a large scar on my leg from the accident. Anyway... there goes my higher power theory.
In other news I have moved to San Francisco which may or may not be the new nature of this blog. Right now I am experiencing a cold with the phenomenon of having used more toilet paper on my nose than ass in the last week. Here’s to having a more coherent post next time.
# posted by BennyHoh @ Sunday, May 08, 2005