Thursday, May 26, 2005


More Potty Talk

Apparently the Brits think they are on to a brilliant idea in having in-car toilets. I am pleased to see that the inovation is on it way to being a reality however, modesty aside, I thought of that idea when I was 6. The other cool thing about the toilet is that the makers say that within the toilet are chemicals that break down waste (poop and pee to the layperson) into a "sweet smelling, inoffensive liquid." If its possible to make it so one's shit doesn't stink, why hasn't this technology be incorporated into non-in-car toilets?

In related news, Finland papermills are on strike creating a "run" on toilet paper.

How toilet centric can one blog get?

Well this one hasn't hit its full capacity I assume, so here's some addition toilet information for you...

Toilet Roundup
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