The city of Boston has recently decided to ban ultimate fighting and possibly all punching and kicking bouts despite the fact that the “sport” is sanctioned in Massachusetts. The rational behind the event is for public safety. That is all good and dandy; in fact it’s the basis of the democratic platform of protecting idiots from themselves. On the other hand there is a sound argument that there shouldn’t be a ban. Have you seen the types of folks who attend these things? If afterwards they want to beat the snot out of one another, so be it. Boston is divided between rich educated elite and poor townies who are unaware of the letter R. The rich elite have been growing in numbers while the townies have faded. Why on earth if you are a self absorbed member of the elite would you want to aid the side of those who don’t know what R is unless they are talking about Pirates or movies…or Pirate movies? I understand that the elite don’t want the sort of element that is created by grown men beating the snot out of each other in their hoity toity neighborhoods but sometimes you have to let the fire burn itself out.
Not sure if this post made sense but I have been overwelmed with fodder for the blog lately and wanted get posting.
# posted by BennyHoh @ Wednesday, June 01, 2005