Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Damn You Old Navy

It so happens that I prefer Old Navy Jeans. They are inexpensive and according to some make my butt look less hideous then unusual. (They have never seen the assfro so their frame of reference may be skewed). Anywho, with less expensive jeans, one expects them to break down a little quicker than other jeans, however why must it be the zipper. Do other have this problem or is it just me. The lifespan of my Old Navy Jean is contingent on how comfortable I am walking around with my fly down or how comfortable I am with people pointing out that my fly is down and or unopperational.

I supposed the real query is, how much does will is cost Old Navy and me the end consumer to install stronger zippers in jean. If it involves knocking some kid's hourly wage from 8 cents to 7 cents an hour I think it should be taken under consideration. 8 vs. 7 cents doesn't mean crap. That poor kid is still gonna be a poor kid but I won't have to feel drafts in funny places..... OK enough insensitivity, on to the news.

In streaking news: Some dorks from Princeton are ruining the principles behind the activity by turning it into a varsity sport. However, I do applaud the creativity.

In good intentions will likely be a headline from a prank gone awry news: Antirape device is set to hit the market.

In new found respect for Dr. Phil News: Sure his weight loss challenge will never stand up to Rosey's Chub Club but his advice certainly must be working for his son....

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