Friday, August 05, 2005
Participation Friday
Ok since I usually don't post over the weekends I am going to start making my Friday posts more interactive seeing as they sit for a while and are view by more people. I am lacking in creativity today so today's query might not be as interesting as those to come.... Anyway....
What is the dumbest/wildest thing you have done to impress someone?
(I look forward to your responses... And note on the comments section that you can remain anonymous so there is not reason not to participate)
I'll go first: When I was 13 or 14 I stole my 6th grade teachers car to impress a girl... It worked too. We held hands for almost a week.
What is the dumbest/wildest thing you have done to impress someone?
(I look forward to your responses... And note on the comments section that you can remain anonymous so there is not reason not to participate)
I'll go first: When I was 13 or 14 I stole my 6th grade teachers car to impress a girl... It worked too. We held hands for almost a week.
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well, it may not have been to try to impress someone, but one of the dumbest things I remember doing actually took place in front your house Ben.
You and your buddy pictured below were sitting on your porch as I was riding my bike making big sweeping turns as though I was on a "crotch rocket" motor cycle"--turned to far and as you may remember did a nice sail over the handlebars and consequently breaking the wrist.
you guys laughed at first....bastards.. :-)
You and your buddy pictured below were sitting on your porch as I was riding my bike making big sweeping turns as though I was on a "crotch rocket" motor cycle"--turned to far and as you may remember did a nice sail over the handlebars and consequently breaking the wrist.
you guys laughed at first....bastards.. :-)
I was at a conference - and I had to pee badly. The speaker finished. I rushed out the door... I looked at the wall of restrooms. The first door said men's - I beelined to the ladies' room- but it wasn't the ladies room... it was door two of the mens' room. I got 10 feet into the lobby of the bathroom (nice hotel. Bathrooms with lobbies...) when I met eyes with a guy - who said, You have the wrong door...
With ten feet between me and the door to the lobby (and a crowd of exiting conference goers) - I open the door as someone is entering. I didn't know what to say - so I muttered, "This doesn't look good, does it?" and left.
With ten feet between me and the door to the lobby (and a crowd of exiting conference goers) - I open the door as someone is entering. I didn't know what to say - so I muttered, "This doesn't look good, does it?" and left.
Wildest - To draw the attention of a fellow swimming instructor in Tokyo, (who consequently had amazing abs), I got my nose pierced. At the time it seemed like a wild thing to do. Especially in Japan where getting holes punched in one’s body is uncouth.
Dumbest – talked my parents into allowing me to buy a ’67 Ford Bronco because of a hot hot hot senior on the my swim team – Looking back it was a total death trap, without power steering or brakes and it was never able to go over 55 miles per hour.
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Dumbest – talked my parents into allowing me to buy a ’67 Ford Bronco because of a hot hot hot senior on the my swim team – Looking back it was a total death trap, without power steering or brakes and it was never able to go over 55 miles per hour.
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