Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Better Stuff To Come

OK kids... I must apologize for the less than entertaining thoughts from Benny Hoh but as many of you know, I am often consumed by gameplans. I am currently involved in 4 unprecedented gameplans. Is failure a certainty? You betcha. Am I going to try anyway? You betcha. Am I going to make an ass out of myself? You betcha. Are others going to be entertained? You betcha

Sorry to those who have no idea what I am talking about. For the rest of you... I might be knocking on your door soon for some x and o advice.

In educational news: "OK" did not become common nomenclature until Martin Van Buren. That's right the 8th president of the US of A. Born and resident until his death of Kinderhook, New York.... My home town.

1. MVB used to sign all documents with OK for Old Kinderhook which in turn popularized the term.
2. If you hold your hands up and make an OK symbol with one hand you will be holding up 8 fingers.

Other Stuff:
Cool stuff you may not of known about Goonies

The following must me the most hilariously brilliant way to raise money for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. I hope more schools follow suit.

I thought it was Martin Van Buren...

Yes, we are a part of Seinfeld's "Van Buren boys"
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