Thursday, September 01, 2005


People I Know

Not since "Sappy Post" have I dropped the serious bomb on you all but with the numerous tragedies going on in the World, whether it be the Tsunami last December or the recent horrors in New Orleans I figured it was time.

Sooo.... Instead of sitting around feeling bad or awestruck, step the fuck up and help out. Donate to anyone of these reputable charities. A little can go a long way to help peeps. Hell even if its just the jar of change you've been saving that you donate I am sure it will help.

People I Know:
I know a woman who during last year's hurricane season, stepped up and left her job, headed to Florida and went to work for FEMA. I can only hope you all try to step up in some way like she did.

OK I will back to my normal hijinks, tom foolery and shanangins tomorrow.

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