Monday, September 19, 2005
People I Know
I know a woman who I can remember back as far as 5th grade. I think even then I knew she was special. As I usually do with woman who talk to me I developed a crush on her. This took place in 8th grade. In an effort to impress her and show her my bad boy side I included her in some of my youthful mischief including stealing our 6th grade teacher's car. Sorry Mr. V. but I did end up holding hands with this girl in the hallway for close to a week. I had some pretty cool things happen to me, plenty that would certainly overshadow a week of handholding but I began to think of the purity innocence and guilt of the time and it just might be one of the coolest weeks of my life. Since that week I have befriended this woman and have stayed in some sort of touch ever since. Although I rarely see her, sometimes going years between meetings I will always keep in touch because she is as good as an egg as they come. Most recently she sent me the grand daddy of all care packages. It contained two boxes of Annies Mac & Cheese. (The kind where you have to stick your finger in the bunnies butt to open the box) Also in the package were various Willy Wonka candies such as nerds, wacky taffy (which include jokes) and runts.
Anywho I just wanted to call out that this woman most certainly has the Benny Hoh seal of approval

In other news:
I don't usually condone violence but if anybody ever diserved to get the crap kicked out of him it was probably this guy.
In really messed up news: Grandma gets jail time over a bite of food.
Anywho I just wanted to call out that this woman most certainly has the Benny Hoh seal of approval

In other news:
I don't usually condone violence but if anybody ever diserved to get the crap kicked out of him it was probably this guy.
In really messed up news: Grandma gets jail time over a bite of food.