Monday, September 05, 2005


So I'm A Dork

If you do a Yahoo Search on 'R2D2 snack bowl' (something I am still waiting to arrive) my blog is the number 1 site to pop up. So anyways I had a macaroni and cheese thought. Not unlike many of you I am sure you have had many a debate over how it is to be made and perhaps how often one should eat it. Well let me tell you, there was a day when I had Mac & Cheese (Powdered kind with few extra Benny Hoh touches. You can find the recipes by subscribing to the Benny Hoh newsletter) for breakfast lunch and dinner for at least 2 years. I ate so much that I actually became sick of it and I got on the no more mac and cheese wagon. I happy to say that despite making a respectable income I have fallen off that wagon and am lovin every minute of it.

In Katrina relief news: The people of the Gulf region of this nation are still fucked. However this little blog helped raise $4200 towards relief, and that is just the count of people who have felt so incline to tell me what they donated. Many others have informed me that they gave as well making the number surely larger.

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