Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Baby On Board

What the hell is the piont of the Baby on Board signs? Was I at some point eager to get into a car accident? But oh no that car has a baby on board sign better aviod that one. Or is it something more simple like I shouldn't honk my horn or rev my engine because the little squirt might be sleep? Perhaps is for prospective car theaves to notify them that if that take that car they are in for more than grand theft auto. Anyother theories? Possibly true ones?

Trivia Answers:
Friday's Quote: "Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads."

Monday's Quote: "I've been out combing the high schools all day."

Today's Movie Quote: "You want to talk to God? Let's go see him together, I've got nothing better to do."

Those stickers are a BUNCH OF CRAP! It's bought by the mothers of those infants to place on the cars of the fathers to show that they are taken and have a family. Cuz car accidents have no color, no age limitiations, no nada.
I think naval lint is probably right---I think us men should come up with a similar looking sign that says "baby's arm holding an apple--on board"

who's with me??? :-P
Actually it's for EMT's and firefighters. It let's them know that after they've taken the unconcious mother from the car, there may be another smaller, more easily missed passanger in the car who can't speak for themselves. Or maybe it's just for women to mark their territory. I could be wrong. Huge dick on board indead.
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