Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Legitimately Honest

You damned veggie folk are legitimately honest. Recently I purchase Veggie Stix but not to be veggie or anything else of that nature. I bought them just because I like them. Well low and behold the package said 8 servings per package. Normally, as we all know, a serving of junk food is equivalent to miniscule portion. This was not the case. I would venture to say I had at least 8 servings before the bag was empty a few days after purchase.

P.S. The only way to eat a veggie burger is as a topping for a regular burger.

In I never really liked him anyway news: Elmo had been arrested.

Today's Movie Quote: "Doesn't it give you kind of a, a, a... shudder... of electricity through you to be in the same room with me?"

So I guess you've been doing "art" all these years.
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