Thursday, October 13, 2005


They Are Chess Dorks Duh

Take a moment and picture your average chess champ. Not your intellectual chess player but the dork who is a member of the chess team. I hold no animosity towards him but recently A female chess champ wondered if her competition looks at her boobs. I can't speak for you but based on the picture of chess players I thought of the answer to this question is sort of a no brainer. It just goes to show you that perhaps these chess types aren't so bright after all.

On a totally separate note but obviously my brain is in the same place, Miss Namibia is white. Who knew?

Today's Movie Quote: "Is that all you do Mr. Potts, invent things?"
Based on the honor system, (That means not IMDB searches) a prized will be given out to anyone who guesses this quote correctly.

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