Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Clip This

Correct me if I am wrong, but toenail clippers are quite large where as fingernail clippers are quite small. To me the large clipper is more appropriate for the fingers because they are usually the more uniform nails. Hence a large clipper that can complete the nail-cut in one swoop would be most appropriate.

On the other hand, you have different fingers (I love that joke) but seriously on the other hand, no pun intended, your toenails often do not create a perfect half-moon shape for cutting, which is why the smaller fingernail clipper is better in that it has more trimming and shaping capabilities.

In other news: Raise your hand if you know what Peter, the fat white kid on the Cosby's said upon agreeing to go to the dentist.

Today's Move Quote: "Wealth can be wonderful, but you know, success can test one's mettle as surely as the strongest adversary."

I'm a lucky, lucky woman to get the live version of this everyday. Frankly fingernails should be cared for with a file - there is no reason to own more than one pair of clippers and the size is irrelevant.

Missed you today ;)'s a laaady!
what's the deal... a girl talks to Benny... EVERYDAY?...
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