Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Dumb Ass, Iliterate Or Poetic Genious

The gramatical errors if not the utter lack of nouns in many of my posts continually is brought to my attention. These comments have raised issues as to wheter I am an idiot, illerterate or taking some sort of bizarre poetic liscense. Well the answer is yes. However my intent has been to keep my writing raw in order to maintain the hermeneutics of my ideas. That being said, please feel free to comment in with responses such as. "You damn fool just take two seconds to review your posts" or "You go Benny, you're obviously a poetic genius"

In other news: I read, (IN A BOOK) that my odds of dating a Super Model are 86 million to 1. I like those odds. The foruala to get these odds is quite simple. There are 25 super models in the world. They date an average of 5 men a year. If you take the total population of men and devide by 5, you get 86 million.

Todays Move Quote: "Oh no, it wasn't the airplanes. It was beauty killed the beast."

You damn fool, you're obviously a poetic genius
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