Thursday, January 19, 2006


The Greatest Pick Me Up Ever!!!

Ok... So I have mention before a girlie vice I have. Ice cream. I maintain that it makes you feel better no matter what the ailment. You could be depressed, pissed off, have a headache, fell sick whatever and a little ice cream will make you feel better. Unfortunately ice cream as a get over things vice has been put into the girlie category. That leaves us to the age old vice, cause of and solution to all life's problems. And so Guinness (no not this guy althought brilliant) has developed Guinness Ice Cream. If anyone cares to donate an ice cream maker to the BennyHoh fund I will be happy to share what ever brilliant concoction I come up with base on the above linked recipe.

In I know I have cleaned up may fair share of goose honky news: Oakland if full of shit.

Today's Movie Quote: "I've asked you to marry me 40 different ways, and I'm waiting for a fresh answer!"

That article is no joke. I live three-minute walking distance from Lake Merritt and that "lake" sure is full of shit. It's also utilized as the local dump and toilet by some, besides the birds.
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