Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Poop On This

Proof once again that PR people are sometimes useful, a colleague of mine and publisher of "Lack of Motivation" provided me with this interesting story regarding alternative uses for dog poop. No longer will its primary purpose be for lighting paper bags full of it on your neighbors doorstep. It will be used as energy. The initiative is taking place in San Francisco so I will keep you all informed about its progress. My immediate concern is a possible smell problem. However, the by-product of a smell problem might finally lead to the emancipation of farts.

In other news: National Pancake day is on February 28th. controversy is of course close by.

Still now word on "The Dog Who Stopped the War"

Today's Move Quote: "That's the first thing you've said in the last four hours. That's, a fountain of conversation there, buddy. That's a geyser."

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