Wednesday, February 08, 2006


The Vice President of Pumpkins

The Vice President of Pumpkins would be Al Gourd... He he he. Seriously though, I think Al Gourd as fictional as he may be might have a more lasting affect then Al Gore. Sure Gore claims to have invented the internet. A bunch of hollamajarky one might say, but then I thought about how President Bush insists on referring to the internet as the interweb, possibly adding validity to Gore's claim. So to de-politicized this whole matter I think props should go out to a couple of engineers who 40 years ago stumbled across the begining of the fiberoptics revolution. We all owe our porn addition gratitude to these folks.

In choke the chicken news: Boo Boo the chick was saved by mouth to beak resusitation.

Today's Movie Quote: "If you ever get hungry, our garden back home is full of snails. We tried everything to get rid of them. We never thought of a Frenchman!"

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