Thursday, October 12, 2006


Can You Pee In The Dark?

Well you can now.... Other than the fact that Johnny Light makes it look like you are peeing into something from Ghostbusters, (Yes I have seen that guy in my toilet before) I think the commercial does it better justice that the Benny Hoh Blog can.

I like the theme song for the toilet light website! I was in a meeting today and one of the male participants asked me where the "John" was. I really didn't think people used "John" - and how is it that I give the impression that it's a term I would like to hear?? The other thing is it reminded me that I haven't visited your blog in a while and funny enough your topic is on johns! hee hee.
I would like everyone to stop calling the sh*$%ter the "John". Who's with me??!!..... guys???....guys??
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