Friday, January 05, 2007



Sometimes there's a man... And no I am not talking about the Lewbowski... I wish I was but I am also proud of our good and strange friend Mr. Rogers.

Today the content rights of music and video are still debated but back in the day of Beta Max Mr. Rogers went all the way to the Supreme Court.

It was During the controversy surrounding the introduction of the household VCR, Rogers was involved in supporting the manufacturers of VCRs in court. His 1979 testimony in the case Sony Corp. of America v. Universal City Studios, Inc. noted that he did not object to home recording of his television programs, for instance, by families in order to watch together at a later time. This testimony contrasted with the views of others in the television industry who objected to home recording or believed that devices to facilitate it should be taxed or regulated.The Supreme Court considered the testimony of Rogers in its decision that held that the Betamax video recorder did not infringe copyright. The Court stated that his views were a notable piece of evidence "that many [television] producers are willing to allow private time-shifting to continue."

Its great to your neighbor - EOM

Go gators!
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