Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Yeah School
What could possibly go wrong?
Monday, April 25, 2005
Sappy Post
As many of you readers know I might be one who exaggerates, elaborates and masturbates a little too much, but in the end I think I can say I am at least a half-way modest guy. I only mention this because like anybody else I am often wrapped up in self evaluation, observation and reflection. We all try not to be but it is unavoidable. I was fortunately able to be more reassured of myself then ever this weekend after spending an inebriated weekend with many of my closet friend. It is said that a man can be judged by the friends he keeps. As I move on with my endeavors, I'm pretty sure I going to just fine.
Don’t worry my next post will be a return to the less grounded Benny Hoh thoughts.
Friday, April 22, 2005
San Francisco Smells Funny
Sorry to all my loyal blog readers but I have been in San Fran as of late. I am moving there and had to find a place to live.
I don't know if I have super sense of smell or if other people agree with me but San Fran smells. Its not an offensive odor but it certainly smells. I've noticed a few other cities having distinct odors as well.
On a separate note, the move the
at 2 and 3 in the morning will now get them at 5 and
Good Times!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Stupid Digital Cable
I take big issue at the slow advances in digital cable. Yes you get a better picture especially if you have a nice TV. Yes you can peruse through the titles of all the show on. Yes there are on demand and DVR features available but the problem is the system is too slow.
As of now one has to use the channel guide to select a program with any sort of speed whatsoever. I liked the flip. Without the flip, how else am going to end up on Telemundo or
I pretty sure there is nothing I can do about this (Or is there) but I'm still pissed.
Friday, April 08, 2005
Shark Food
This morning I saw an ad that had some kid with a potato with wires sticking out of it. I don't know what the ad was for but I remembered learning in grade school that potatoes and lemons can generate electricity. It also occurred to me from watching too much Shark Week that in the snouts of most sharks are small, jelly-filled pits, known as the ampullae of Lorenzini, and in each pit is a sensor that detects minute electric fields associated with contracting muscles, such as those in a pumping heart. Hence sharks are drawn to electrical currents.
My question is since lemons and potatoes can generate electricity could they be used as shark bait or food.
Any thoughts?
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Boston Woodwork
Drive down
Of course there was a time when those dirty thoughts had a very slim chance of happening. Now they are just dirty thoughts. A post for another time. Anyway, God bless spring in
Friday, April 01, 2005
Break Your Mother's Back
While walking to work I often notice that due to woman wearing ridiculous shoes they have to avoid all sorts of coble stones and cracks in the sidewalk so as not to hurt themselves. It occurred to me that perhaps this is where the saying "Step on a crack break your mother's back" may have derived from. Well I couldn't be more wrong. After some research I determined the following:
Ill-fortune is said to be the result from stepping on a crack in the pavement. Present day society usually associates the superstition behind treading on cracks to the rhyme: "Step on a crack, break your mother's back" but the superstition actually goes back to the late 19th - early 20th Century and the racism that was prevalent in this period.
The original rhyming verse is thought to be "Step on a crack and your mother will turn black." It was also common to think that walking on the lines in pavement would mean you would marry a Negro and have a black baby. (Apparently this superstition only applied to Caucasians and because of the rampant prejudice against black people, was considered an activity to avoid.)
Stepping on cracks also had significance for children. In the mid-20th Century it was popular to tell children that if they stepped on the cracks in the street, they would be eaten by the bears that congregate on street corners waiting for their lunch to walk by.
Also, the number of lines a person would walk on corresponded with the number of china dishes that the person would break, later in the day.
Only in the last few decades has the rhyming superstition resurfaced to be the recognized "step on a crack, break your mother's back" and in some areas, two superstitions above are melded together to include the number of lines one steps on will correspond with the number of your mother's bones that are broken.
There you have it. After spend my time blogging about such ridiculous things, some times it occurs to me that perhaps things would be different for me if I had a toy like this growing up.