Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Time To Crap On A Religion
I don’t know much about Buddhism so a small part of my really wants to feel bad about this post but I assure all of you that as in all my posts I am really in a quest for knowledge.
Moving on… As far as I have been aware Buddhist rely on the kindness of strangers, are peaceful and sit cross legged a lot. Please correct me if I am wrong because I have also found evidence to contradict my ignorant beliefs. Recently five Thai Buddhist monks have been defrocked and fined after a brawl with monks from a nearby temple, police and newspapers said Tuesday. Sounds like a
Friday, May 27, 2005
The Power of Soccer
I usually fall in line with most American’s view soccer; disinterest. After all what’s the point of a sport where you can run around for 90 minutes and end in a 0-0 tie? However, recently
Who cares right? Well I did a little more research into the power of soccer and found that recently soccer fans were forced to watch women in bikinis and were pissed about it because it interrupted a match.
Thursday, May 26, 2005
More Potty Talk
In related news, Finland papermills are on strike creating a "run" on toilet paper.
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
In related news... Who knew that there was an entire month dedicated to this activity, let alone one that it is scheduled to climax on May 28th.
Monday, May 23, 2005
I'm A Chronic Masticator
I masticate sometimes as many as 5-6 times a day
I think of girls when I masticate
If I am lucky a girl will agree to masticate with me
I masticate at home, in the office and sometimes in public
I even masticate in front of large groups of people
If I go a long time without masticating I get jealous of those who can masticate
If I am feeling particularly lazy I sometimes even masticate in bed.
All this posting about masticating has gotten me a little riled up so I’m going to duck out of work to go masticate.
Friday, May 20, 2005
They said it wouldn’t, couldn’t and shouldn’t be done but after years of hotdogs vs. buns wars, Hotdog and bun makers in
In other news… Only in
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Its Never Been More Obvious...
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Grossest Place On Earth
The grossest place on earth is under the driver’s side seat of any car. Why… because as any honest driver will tell you and if you look around at other drivers, driving time = nose picking time. And of course there has to be a convenient place to keep those golden nuggets or in some cases magic nose goblins.
Porta Potty’s and similar places did not qualify because they are more official designated areas for gross stuff. One possible exception would be if this
is your vehicle.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I Don't Get It
As many of you know I have recently moved to
If you can help answer the rational behind this phenomenon it would be greatly appreciated. Sorry I was too lazy to include links today.
Monday, May 16, 2005
In the immortal words of Harry Dunn, “Check out the fun bags on that hose hound,” is all I can really say about the trailer for the Dukes of Hazard movie. Anyways ladies I’m sure the gents in this film are good looking too. Of course I don’t know if there are any guys in the film. All I saw was an orange car and well you know…
In other news there is an ONLINE petition to ban the internet.
First… Some of my readers are calling for more comments. So go ahead and comment on my posts. I fully expect to be made fun of and I shall return the favor.
Second… Check out some the links in my blog roll, specifically ESB, (Elizabeth Street Brewery) which is a fun blog by a friend, fellow Vocian and local brewer. Also check out John Thomas’ blog. (He is just starting the blog thing but I’m sure if he saw people were reading it he will keep it up) The other links on my blog roll span a variety of areas and I encourage you to check them regularly as well.
Third…Shit I forgot the third thing but I’ll be sure the bitch about it later.
Not to worry my next post will be a return to my attempts at entertainment.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Holy Beer!
In other news... Stevie Wonder has released a video for the blind. (Insert tastless blind joke here e.g. who's gonna watch it?)
Monday, May 09, 2005
Things I Would Even Hesitate About Before Putting In My Mouth

Sunday, May 08, 2005
Correction On The Higher Power Theory
In a recent post I mentioned that there was a higher power that prevented people not unlike myself from getting into horrific accidents due to staring at hot girls between the ages of 18 and 28 who come out of the woodwork in
In other news I have moved to