Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Bow down before me....For I am your God.
Last night after wetting my pallet with a few beers with my roomate Marc, we met up with a few of his friends and went to a fine eating establishment for dinner. I believe it was Hooters. After some fine dining and some more beers near the
Yup Life doesn't get any better than that.
The luckiest guy you know. Benny Hoh
Today's Movie Quote: "She said that sote:She said that I was a mistake, and that he made her have me, and that she never wanted me."
Monday, February 27, 2006
Donut Friday
In list news: Here are the top 10 things Peter Griffen would like to say to America.
And without further adieu
Trivia answers:
Wednesday's Quote: "That's the first thing you've said in the last four hours. That's, a fountain of conversation there, buddy. That's a geyser."
Thursday's Quote: "My name is Federico Aranda, and I will return."
Today's Quote: "The man tells his stories so many times that he becomes the stories. They live on after him. And in that way, he becomes immortal."
Thursday, February 23, 2006
What Country Is Turkey Most Afraid Of?
In ugliest things created by humans news: My daily movements did not make the list. Perhaps I need to re-submit.
Well after bringing up the above two shit storms it is important to note that Colorado was recently poohed on as well.
Today's Move Quote: "My name is Federico Aranda, and I will return."
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Poop On This
In other news: National Pancake day is on February 28th. controversy is of course close by.
Still now word on "The Dog Who Stopped the War"
Today's Move Quote: "That's the first thing you've said in the last four hours. That's, a fountain of conversation there, buddy. That's a geyser."
Friday, February 17, 2006
The Dog Who Stopped The War
Monday: "They say that a man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client. And with God as my witness, I am that fool!"
Tuesday: "I was the last one left after the nuclear holocaust, eh. The whole world had been destroyed, like U.S. blew up Russia and Russia blew up U.S. Fortunately, I had been offworld at the time. There wasn't much to do. All the bowling alleys had been wrecked. So's I spent most of my time looking for beer."
Wednesday: "Come on. Do I look like the mother of the future? I mean, am I tough, organized? I CAN'T EVEN BALANCE MY CHECKBOOK."
Thursday: Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?"
Today's Quote:
Thursday, February 16, 2006
At Least It's An Ethos
In Olympics news: Sooooo there have been studies in the past about athletic performance being dictated about when/where you are master of your domain. Some feel that one performs better after "releasing" some pent up whathaveyous. Others feel that if you obstain you will perform better. Well with the plethera of porn Olympians are picking up this winter it will be interesting to see how many records fall.
Today's Move Quote: "Tell me something, Billy. How come a cute little guy like this can turn into a thousand ugly monsters?"
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
One Cool City

Soooo... We may have the best reason yet why San Francisco is one cool ass city. Random pillow fights.
In other news, I have not found any evidence of such but I have been informed that baby kuala's feed from thier mom's butts. Not only are kualas really cute but apparently they are real brown nosers.
In super hero news: Batman will be taking on Osama Bin Laden
Today's Movie Quote: "Come on. Do I look like the mother of the future? I mean, am I tough, organized? I CAN'T EVEN BALANCE MY CHECKBOOK."
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Emmmm Marketing
In question of the day news.... Do you think Canadians have less sex because it takes so long to take off all those layers of cloths? hmmm
In Beer News: Wouldn't it be cool if it rained beer?
Today's Movie Quote: "I was the last one left after the nuclear holocaust, eh. The whole world had been destroyed, like U.S. blew up Russia and Russia blew up U.S. Fortunately, I had been offworld at the time. There wasn't much to do. All the bowling alleys had been wrecked. So's I spent most of my time looking for beer."
Monday, February 13, 2006
Its Not The Size That Counts
Anywho check them out and feed my fellow blogger's blego's
Don't worry... Tomorrow I shall return with Kuala poop and microbead cleaning entertainment.
Today's Quote: "They say that a man who represents himself in court has a fool for a client. And with God as my witness, I am that fool!"
Friday, February 10, 2006
Just A Dollar A Day
That being said, over 100 people a day visit this blog and for less than a cup of coffee you could support me and this blog. Just offer to send me a buck a day and I will deliver even more useless entertainment. Perhaps even a weekly BennyHohcast (Date TBD) Think about it. Wouldn't it be quite the experiment. People pay for legit papers all the time. Why not my blog?
Trivia Answers:
Monday's Quote: "I've just decided to switch our Friday schedule to Monday, which means that the test we take each Friday on what we learned during the week will now take place on Monday before we've learned it. But since today is Tuesday, it doesn't matter in the slightest."
Tuesday's Quote: "Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody said it was a happy little tale... if somebody told you I was just your average ordinary guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied."
Wednesday's Quote: "If you ever get hungry, our garden back home is full of snails. We tried everything to get rid of them. We never thought of a Frenchman!"
Today's Movie Quote: "Actually I don't remember being born, It must have happened during one of my black outs."
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
The Vice President of Pumpkins
In choke the chicken news: Boo Boo the chick was saved by mouth to beak resusitation.
Today's Movie Quote: "If you ever get hungry, our garden back home is full of snails. We tried everything to get rid of them. We never thought of a Frenchman!"
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
SuperHero Linen
In really cool news: Scarlett Johanson and Keira Knightley are exchanging ballgowns for birthday suits.
Today's Movie Quote: "Who am I? You sure you want to know? The story of my life is not for the faint of heart. If somebody said it was a happy little tale... if somebody told you I was just your average ordinary guy, not a care in the world... somebody lied."
Monday, February 06, 2006
People I Know

Today's Movie Quote: I've just decided to switch our Friday schedule to Monday, which means that the test we take each Friday on what we learned during the week will now take place on Monday before we've learned it. But since today is Tuesday, it doesn't matter in the slightest.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Words Are Funny
Trivia Answers:
Tuesday's Quote: "In his will he referred to me as That Bitch Who Killed Me."
Wednesday's Quote: "I'm Will Munny and I've killed most everything that walks or crawls; and now I'm here to kill you Little Bill for what you done to Ned."
Thursday's Quote: "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges."
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Slow Learning
That lesson may seem obvious but I am a guy. Enough said.
In the food news: I had a moment of vegieism when I read this story about sliced ham but quickly returned to normal upon hearing about the best spam innovation.
Today's Quote: Badges? We don't need no stinking badges.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Why Women Are Crazy Theory
In the news: We can only hope that this movie is title "Lola".... And in Star Wars gone too far news: Only click this if you are brave.
Today's Movie Quote: "I'm Will Munny and I've killed most everything that walks or crawls; and now I'm here to kill you Little Bill for what you done to Ned."